Last Frontiering

Lety and I just returned from a trip to Alaska, or I should say “almost Alaska.” With its well-kept suburban neighborhoods and typical fast food joints, Anchorage could easily pass for a city in the lower 48. Our hosts were ready with a response: Anchorage is just 15 minutes from Alaska.  Sure enough—right outside of…

The Best Time to Quit

I once thought the odds of kicking a habit would be in my favor if I just waited until everything was right—a supportive relationship, low stress, and a fulfilling activity to replace my habit. There was only one problem: it didn’t work. Instead of a supportive situation, I actually set myself up to fail. How…

Nature’s Community, Our Community

I meet and talk with many people who are looking for a well-organized community that features regular drumming and singing, storytelling, games, and ceremonies. I understand their yearning, and at the same time I am concerned that they are looking to substitute one ready-made culture for another. They are not stripping down to life’s essence…

The Ultimate Illusion

We were born with free will, and we make choices in our lives to direct our destinies. These are the premises upon which the Western way of life is based. We thrive on options, whether they be political, religious, or culinary. When we don’t have them, “Give me the freedom to choose,” becomes our battle…

The Human Wave

I know a number of people who believe we can sustain our present world population level using green technology. They say that organic farming, permaculture, renewable energy sources, and the elimination of garbage and hazardous waste could keep us going indefinitely. But why? What contribution do billions of us make to the Hoop of Life…

Food as Metaphor

For 40 years I have been living with people in extended family and community environments. There have been many differences in configuration and philosophy, yet there was one thing they all shared—a preoccupation with food. It wasn’t the food itself, but what it represented. For some, it was a political issue; for others, it had…

Fasting is a Middle Class Luxury

Very few of us in the developed world know hunger. Sure, we might say, “I’m hungry,” as the next meal approaches, but what do we mean by that? Odds are we just had a good meal a few hours before that, and maybe a snack in between. Yet we declare that we’re hungry. For most…

Tomorrow is Our Permanent Address

I just came across this phrase and wished I had come up with it for a book chapter I’m working on. On second thought, I realized that it would be unlikely to capture reader interest, considering how obsessed we are with the now. From bestselling books to Buddhist philosophy, we are given the message to…

No Commitment for Me

When someone asks if I am in a committed relationship, I usually reply that if I felt I had to commit myself, I would be in a partnership rather than a relationship. Vows and contracts are for business partners—I wouldn’t think of approaching a loving companionship in the same way. My mate and I consider…

Are We There Yet?

How do I know when I have achieved Zen? When I no longer ask the question. When I am comfortable but not complacent. When there is no more contradiction. When truth ceases to exist for lack of an opposite. When I ever listen and seldom talk. When I am sad but still joyful. When I…