Is That Really How Our Ancestors Lived?

Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years, by Elizabeth Wayland Barber, W. W. Norton, New York, 1994. One key player in our transition from the Paleolithic (hunter-gatherer) age to the Neolithic (sedentary farming) age is hardly mentioned by writers and researchers. Shortly after we settled down to became horticulturalists, we discovered that our newly domesticated animals…

Writers Are Crafted, Storytellers Are Born

To me, writing is merely a tool, like a saw or paintbrush. An artist would not call herself a painter because she uses a brush, nor would a boat builder be a sawyer because he cuts wood. The same applies to storytellers, who might use puppetry, theater, motion pictures, writing, oral tellings, music, or photography…

Beauty in Another World

Here is a quote from pages 269-70 of Nisa, The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman (NY: Random House, 1983) by Marjorie Shostak. The small size of villages means that girls approaching puberty have few, if any, peers to compare themselves to. Thus they do not develop to maturity in a context of intense…